28 May 2009

the Disneyland Blog… finally! ...DaY 1...

Oh so much to talk about. Well, after we stayed up all night talking to Barry, we decided we deserved to sleep in on Wednesday. After breakfast, we finally headed to Anaheim for our ultimate Disneyland experience. As we entered, we got pins that showed what we were celebrating at Disneyland. It was my first visit, my birthday, and our honeymoon! Everywhere we went people were saying “Happy Birthday!” and “Congratulations!” As we had been anticipating this vacation for months, Derek asked me almost daily what I wanted to do when we first entered Disneyland, and the answered always had to be different. But secretly I couldn’t keep myself from wanting to explore the Temple of the Forbidden Eye with Indiana Jones, so after trying to take in all of Main Street we entered Adventureland and went straight to the “Temple.” The ride was a lot scarier, cooler, and more exciting than I ever thought it would be. It was awesome. We had a reservation at the Blue Bayou restaurant that sits next to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, but before we ate some Louisiana style cuisine, we met up with Millie and Robert Lewis (Derek’s high school friends who just so happened to be there at the same time!) and went on a Jungle Cruise, rode through Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and experienced Jack Sparrow and his pirate mates beyond the DVD.

The Blue Bayou was amazing. We instantly transcended from the sunny afternoon to a summer night just at dusk as the fireflies come out on a deck overlooking the river of the Pirates ride. It was so awesome. It felt like home. We ate Gumbo and the infamous Monte Cristo which cannot be described well enough for you to appreciate the awesome tastes. I did not want to leave, but alas we had to. I wish the pictures turned out well enough for you to see, but even if the lighting was better for the pictures, they wouldn’t do a good job at expressing the awesome feeling of the room.

We have pictures to show what we saw, so I’ll be sure to post those instead of talking more. That was the highlight of the first day. But we also went on the Hollywood Tower of Terror!! It was pretty dang freaky… I’m not lying. But it was SO FUN! To top off the evening and the exciting day, we shared a Mint Julup (which I can’t spell) is a minty lemonade drink, and it’s GOOD! I loved it… I think I liked it more than Derek. All right… so here are the pictures of my first magical day!


  1. Hey Sam,
    This is Jennifer from MS. Liz's friend. Congrats! Hope everything is going great for you two.

  2. I LOVE the Blue Bayou. It is one of my favorite places in Disneyland. We went there on our Honeymoon too! Great memories.

  3. Awww...LOVE this! The most magical place on earth! haha. I'm SOOOO happy for you girl!! AMAZING!! :) I'm totally keeping up with you now! haha. :) Miss you!
