The most recent project we've accomplished is making our own instruments. All grades K-5 took part in this activity, and the success rate was higher than the average homework turn-in rate! Yay for music! With our handmade instruments we sang and played along to "Old MacDonald Had a BAND!" We marched around the classroom. We played a rhythm guessing game, and we did some rhythm sight-reading. The kids loved it, and the noise was worth the experience!!
The guitars were pretty dang creative. We also had some awesome drums and shakers. Above you saw a harp as well. Below is a finger piano made out of bobby pins on wood. My favorite was an instrument called a drumbone. It was something the Blue Man Group would have on stage. Sorry I don't have an awesome picture or video to go with that.
Below is a sneak peek of things to come- my most incredibly professional-looking project ever!
Those instruments are amazing!! You are the coolest music teacher EVER!